Please note that registration is required.

Join us in October to:

  • DISCUSS the latest developments in using statistical data for research & policy in Canada and internationally 
  • PROPOSE priorities for the CRDCN's research & data agenda
  • PARTICIPATE in live Q&As and Twitter chats 
  • BE INSPIRED by the work of emerging researchers 


Conference Launch

At this exciting juncture for the CRDCN, Martin Taylor, Executive Director, and Michelle Gauthier, Special Advisor, will present the vision and plans for the next stage of the Network’s evolution and growth in the context of renewing the funding for 2023-2029, the advent of dual (RDC and virtual) access to data, and other major developments for the CRDCN’s research, training and knowledge mobilization initiatives.

Pandemic recovery and beyond:  What the data can tell us

Four days, four sessions and 12 researchers share their most recent work in the areas of income and employment, education and social development, immigration and settlement, and population health.

Lessons learned together: Collaboration as the path forward

Sessions presented in partnership – with the University of Toronto School of Cities, the Quebec Inter-university Centre for Social Statistics, and the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data.

Closing ceremony

The Chief Statistician will provide an update on the vital partnership between Statistics Canada and the CRDCN in the context of Statistics Canada’s modernization plan, Census21 and other new data opportunities, and the advent of virtual data access.


Jeff Allen
Jeff Allen
University of Toronto
PhD Student / Étudiant en doctorat
Anil Arora
Anil Arora
Statistics Canada / Statistique Canada
Chief Statistican of Canada / Statisticien en chef du Canada
Jen Baggs
Jen Baggs
University of Victoria
Associate Professor / Professeure agrégée
Leila Boussaid
Leila Boussaid
Statistics Canada / Statistique Canada
Director General of Data Access and Dissemination - Strategic Engagement Field / Direction de l’accès aux données et de la diffusion - Division de l’engagement stratégique.
Sébastien Breau (Moderator/ Modérateur)
Sébastien Breau (Moderator/ Modérateur)
McGill University
Associate Professor / Professeur agrégé
Pierre Brochu
Pierre Brochu
University of Ottawa
Associate Professor / Professeur agrégé
Karen Chapple (Moderator / Moderatrice )
Karen Chapple (Moderator / Moderatrice )
University of Toronto School of Cities
Director / Directrice
Marie Connolly
Marie Connolly
Université du Québec à Montréal
Professor/ Professeure
Sylvana Côté
Sylvana Côté
Observatory for the education and health of children (OPES), Research unit on children's psychosocial maladjustment (GRIP)
Professor / Professeure
Kaberi Dasgupta
Kaberi Dasgupta
McGill University
Professor / Professeure
Lorenzo De Simone
Lorenzo De Simone
Food and Agriculture Organization
Geospatial Technical Advisor / Conseiller technique en géospatial
Jean Eid
Jean Eid
Wilfrid Laurier University
Associate Professor / Professeur agrégé
Esme Fuller-Thomson
Esme Fuller-Thomson
University of Toronto
Professor / Professeure
Michelle Gauthier
Michelle Gauthier
Canadian Research Data Centre Network / Réseau canadien des Centres de données de recherche
Special Advisor / Conseillère spéciale
Marie-Claude Geoffroy
Marie-Claude Geoffroy
McGill University
Assistant Professor / Professeure adjointe
Catherine Haeck
Catherine Haeck
Université du Québec à Montréal
Professor / Professeure
Geneviève Jourdain (Moderator/ Modératrice)
Geneviève Jourdain (Moderator/ Modératrice)
Statistics Canada / Statistique Canada
Director of the Data Access Division
Lisa Kaida
Lisa Kaida
McMaster University
Associate Professor
Naomi Lightman
Naomi Lightman
University of Calgary
Assistant Professor / Professeure adjointe
Stéphanie Lluis
Stéphanie Lluis
University of Waterloo
Professor / Professeure
Charles Plante
Charles Plante
Saskatchewan Health Authority / Autorité de la santé de la Saskatchewan
Research Scientist / Conseillère scientifique
Nicholas Rivers
Nicholas Rivers
University of Ottawa
Associate Professor / Professeur agrégé
Daniel Silver
Daniel Silver
University of Toronto
Professor / Professeur
Jenna Slotin (Moderator/ Modératrice)
Jenna Slotin (Moderator/ Modératrice)
Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
Senior Director of Policy
Tracy Smith-Carrier
Tracy Smith-Carrier
Royal Roads University
Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair (Tier 2)
Fariba Solati
Fariba Solati
St. Thomas University
Associate Professor / Professeure agrégée
Xavier St-Denis
Xavier St-Denis
Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)
Assistant Professor
Martin Taylor
Martin Taylor
Canadian Research Data Centre Network / Réseau canadien des Centres de données de recherche
Executive Director / Directeur général
Briony Turner
Briony Turner
Climate Services Development Manager / Responsable du développement des services climatiques
Carole Vincent (Moderator/ Modératrice)
Carole Vincent (Moderator/ Modératrice)
Quebec inter-University Centre for Social Statistics (QICSS) / Centre interuniversitaire québécois de statistiques sociales (CIQSS)
Executive Director / Directrice générale
Cary Wu
Cary Wu
York University
Assistant Professor