State of the Network Address
Date & Time
Thursday, October 14, 2021, 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Martin Taylor - Canadian Research Data Centre Network / Réseau canadien des Centres de données de recherche
Michelle Gauthier - Canadian Research Data Centre Network / Réseau canadien des Centres de données de recherche
Michelle Gauthier - Canadian Research Data Centre Network / Réseau canadien des Centres de données de recherche

At this exciting juncture for the CRDCN, Martin Taylor, Executive Director, and Michelle Gauthier, Special Advisor, will present the vision and plans for the next stage of the Network’s evolution and growth in the context of renewing the funding for 2023-2029, the advent of dual (RDC and virtual) access to data, and other major developments for the CRDCN’s research, training and knowledge mobilization initiatives.
Virtual Session Link