Concurrent Adjudicated Paper Sessions (Health) – Mental Health
Date & Time
Thursday, November 23, 2023, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
  1. Tasneem Khan (Martin Cooke), University of Waterloo, Household, Neighborhood and Community Contexts and the Mental Health of Immigrants 
  2. Glenda Babe, Western University, Residential Mobility and Mental Health Outcomes of Immigrants and Canadians in Ontario 
  3. Jordan Edwards, Offord Centre for Child Studies, High Intensity Physician-Based Service Use for Mental Health concerns in a General-Population Sample of Children and Youth in Ontario 
  4. Florence Perquier (Kathy Georgiades, Li Wang, Daphne Korczak, Marco Battaglia, Peter Szatmari, Madison Aitken), CAMH, Association of body weight status and body weight perception with depressive symptoms in adolescents living in Ontario, Canada: Implications for prevention, care, and policy 

Chair: Alan Diener, Health Canada 

Location Name
Sheraton Ballroom Centre/East / Salle de bal Sheraton centre/est
Full Address
Sheraton Hamilton Hotel
116 King St W
Hamilton ON L8P 4V3
Session Type